About Me

I am an artist who specializes in 3d modeling characters. Having currently graduated from Sam Houston State University in Spring 2023, I have earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a Computer Animation degree. Fast forward to June 2024, I am pursuing into the video game industry by obtaining a Master of Science in Game Design by June 2025. After graduation, I am hoping to be a part of Nintendo someday.

I am a quiet and kind person who likes to help, however I can get the job done. Although I might have introverted tendencies, I’ll still talk to you about video games and anime.

I am also a big fan of both Sonic The Hedgehog and Nintendo series. While growing up, I became more fond of stylistic games. These games are what I believe inspired me to become a game developer.

I also spent most of my time in Boy Scouts so I could become a more social and active person in the community. Years later after finally achieving Eagle Scout, the highest rank to achieve, I believe this will also help me in finding better job opportunities in the industry.

How can this help me in my future endeavors? I learned to set time-based and task-based goals. Work diligently to meet those goals. I feel this is very important in working in today’s competitive markets.